
Vray fusion 360
Vray fusion 360

  • Bitmap Proxies – Bitmap proxies are a great way to minimize the amount of RAM you expend on a scene.
  • Geometry Proxies – Ah yes, my new favorite tool! A geometry proxy is an optimized piece of geometry that is designed to load and render much more efficiently in specific render engines such V-Ray.
  • Attaching all the components that are not being individually animated adds a significant amount of speed and flexibility to the scene you’re working on.
  • Attach those objects – 3ds Max is much more efficient working with 9000 10k polygon objects than 200,000 1k polygon objects.
  • If you’re using Vray displacement mode, try to limit the area of 2d mapping and setup for it eats up a lot of ram.
  • Check your Raycast Parameters too.Like render region division, region sequence etc.
  • I prefer ADAPTIVE DMC rather than Adaptive Subdivision….
  • Too many lights can also cause overkill of the rendering.
  • The rendering parameters (global switches) to make sure all polygons are modeled correctly for test rendering so that you know the types of shaders you placed individually and you can trace easily which materials could possibly cause the rendering longer.
  • Before you place all the shaders, first try to override the materials in.
  • Irradiance and Light Cache (save to file), skip the computation when using the same sets and scene over and over again.
  • Post process could be short the rendering workflow, professional composition programs like Autodesk’s Combustion, Photoshop, After Effects, Nuke, Fusion… could help you a lot.
  • Instead of using dof in physical cam, Photoshop can do the trick with zbuffer channel or plugins like Alien Skin’s DoF and DoF Generator PRO by Richard Rosenman.
  • vray fusion 360

  • Be wary of glossy reflection and frosted materials.(case to case basis).
  • It's up to you if you want to drink and eat and sleep until the rendering finish.
  • Be wary of iteration levels when making curves/mesh smoothing.
  • I always shutoff my antivirus while rendering (or don’t install one at all).
  • Get rid of the undo window, especially commands on the list that eat up memory….
  • Know the difference between copy and instance… Simple but effective.
  • vray fusion 360

  • Use high polygon objects only when they are close to your camera.
  • vray fusion 360

    Try to use your own materials rather than prepared. A simple diffusion, bump and reflection(with. Material wise: avoid using too much glossiness and highlights.If you render your final image at 3500px you don't need more than 4000px image anywhere. Remove unwanted objects from your scene.Don’t put too many subdivisions on your shadows (as much as possible).If you are using Vray, always proxy the ones with high polycount.

    vray fusion 360

    The more polycount, the slower the rendering.

  • Limit your polycount to minimum as much as possible.

  • Vray fusion 360