
Block launcher apk
Block launcher apk

  • Can be crafted from 6 cobblestones, a redstone dust and any pickaxe.
  • Must be unlocked by vote minecraft:pickaxe_block.
  • Disappears like water in the nether when placing it in an open space on the moon, anywhere in another dimension or when the closed room is opened (either when a block in the wall gets removed or a door is opened).
  • Can be placed in closed rooms on the moon.
  • Permanently fills the player's breath bar when standing in it.
  • block launcher apk

    Drops nothing when broken, similar to the other portal blocks in the game.

    block launcher apk

  • If an Other Portal is created above Y = 200, it teleports the player to Y = 650, so the player is not teleported to the Moon.
  • When entered, it teleports the player 500 blocks up in the air, and returns the message "Error 404 Terrain Not Found".
  • Must be unlocked by vote minecraft:other_portal.
  • Golden trapped chests will still function as trapped chests, but have no identifier like in regular ones.
  • Opening sometimes causes contained items to be converted into gold.
  • Created by activating the minecraft:midas_touch vote, then opening a chest or a trapped chest.
  • Has a block ID in the game file minecraft:golden_chest.
  • A hidden block that the player cannot get with the command /give, but can be obtained through the /setblock command with the tag "gold" /setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:chest.
  • Generates as a part of the lunar base structure.
  • Copper Spleaves were not added to the minecraft:copper item tag, but copper sinks were.
  • When there is no water inside, if an item with the minecraft:copper item tag is dropped inside, it is deleted.
  • Unlike cauldrons, cannot store lava or powder snow.
  • Can be used to store water like a regular cauldron.
  • Must be unlocked by vote minecraft:copper_sink.
  • When eating causes one eighth of the block to disappear depending on where the player clicks.
  • Can be eaten and is the second block in Minecraft that the player can eat, after cake.
  • This block can be used to fill cows or moon cows with air to become "balloon cows", which take the player to the moon once filling it with enough air.
  • block launcher apk

  • Can be used to refill air underwater or on the moon.
  • Can be crafted from 4 empty glass bottles.
  • Must be unlocked by vote minecraft:air_blocks.
  • block launcher apk

    1.6.1 All colors used in biome color rules.

    Block launcher apk